Monday, 3 February 2014

Interview Question for Aspiring BA and QA Professionals

Fetching the desirable job in the present day and age is not an easy thing to do. With such a high competition and hundreds of professionals applying for one job, it is imperative that you are well-prepared before applying for job.

If you are all set to apply for BA’s post and looking for Business Analyst Interview Questions that can help you in fetching the job then here are a few of them.

1.    Explain the test case as well as use case?
2.    What the three essential skills needed to fetch a job as business analyst?
3.    In the software procedure testing, tell about the different duties of a BA?
4.    What is the difference between the role of project manager and that of a business analyst?
5.    What is the meaning of UML modelling and explain the entire concept in complete detail?
6.    What are the tools of business intelligence and how can you use it?
7.    What were your responsibilities in the last job as BA?
8.    When the merging of two companies take place, what are the things that business analyst has to consider for making the merge successful?
9.    What is the meaning of activity diagram and explain its significance?

Similarly, if you are applying for the job as software tester then following QA Interview Questions might help you in getting the right job.

1.    What do you mean by a test case?
2.    What is regression testing?
3.    Briefly explain smoke testing, sanity testing and adhoc testing?
4.    What are the different phases of SDLC?
5.    What is the meaning of waterfall model in software testing?
6.    Explain in detail the bug lifecycle?
7.    What is the meaning severity, priority in software testing?
8.    Explain the meaning of test case lifecycle?

Slated above are some of the most common questions that one has to face when applying for the job as software tester or business analyst.

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